Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 2 Reflection

Weekly Reflection

Week 2

This week I got a better understanding about why teachers do certain activities. I also learned more about how they communicate with parents and what are their goals for the children at the end of the year. When I did potato stamps with the children, I really got to see the children use their imagination with how they create pictures. It is interesting to see them use the stamps because they don’t understand how to paint the stamp with the brush. But after showing them a couple of times, they understood it. I really enjoyed teaching the children. I like seeing how they understand something after trying it. Once they understand something, they get all happy; I love seeing that because I know how good it feels to accomplish something that at first, seemed difficult.

I was surprised with how some of the children acted this week. They seemed to be more sensitive. There was a lot more crying and being upset when they didn’t get their own way. The teachers took care of this by telling the children that they had to sit by themselves and stop crying in order to continue playing. Or, they were no longer allowed to play a game if they got upset with it. So they showed them something else to do so that it would redirect them to a more positive experience. I now know more about dealing with children with emotional situations. I haven’t had that much experience with children since I never got a chance to babysit. I now know how exhausting it is to deal with children for a day. I now have a lot of respect for teachers and stay at home moms; they need lots of patience to get through the day.

I feel like this week was very productive because I accomplished all my major goals for the week. In the last couple of days, I hope to take more pictures of the children at lunch time and when playing. In addition, I will work on my self- evaluation and get organized to put my tri-fold board together for the presentation on Thursday.

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