Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 1



I arrived at ABC's Child Care Center at 8:00. Some of the children had arrived but more were coming. I then began drawing and doing puzzles with some of the children. Once everyone arrived we had Circle. I then was introduce to everybody. During Circle the children learn what day it is and what the weather is like. They learn this by singing. Then the children get to choose their morning activities. Such as snack, computer, blocks, and arts+crafts. Next the children get to go outside where they play on the play ground. Outside I helped children on the monkey bars and played hockey. Then it was time for lunch! During lunch each child has to eat two healthy choice so they can get their fruits, veggies, and protein. We then had story time to get everyone ready for nap time. Once nap time began music is played and certain children get their backs rubbed. At the end of nap time the pre-k children get to do worksheets to help them work on matching and counting. All the children started to get up. During this time before they go outside again they have free time or their afternoon activity. By then it was time for me to leave 3:00. I really enjoyed meeting the children today.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy day. Some days, I would love to be able to lie down for a nap and have someone rub my back :)
    I bet you were tired by the end of the first day. How many children are there in the program, do you know?
