Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 2



When I mentioned Circle yesterday it is actually called Morning Meeting. Circle is when they learn by dancing, singing, and hand play. Today I arrived at 8:00 and spent more time observing the children and teachers. I have realized that children are different but have the same needs. They love attention from a new person added to the class. They all love attention but show it in different ways. They might touch you, repeat your name, talk a lot, want you to help with something, and play with them. The highlights of my day was when I played hockey and cars. Outside when we play hockey all of the children get so excited and giggly. It's funny how they will think of ways to block the goal with their body. It is also interesting to see how they play together. I also really enjoyed playing cars. We created courses for the cars by building jumps and requiring the cars to do back flips. During my lunch I brainstormed questions for when I interview the teachers. My day ended at 3:00, I had another enjoyable day at ABC’s.

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