Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 3



My day started at 8:00 again. This afternoon I did some of the activities that the teachers do. At lunch time I helped open snacks and poured drinks for the children. Most of the snacks they bring are to hard for them to open. For drinks they either have a choice of milk or water. Most of the children choose milk. At the end of lunch I washed the dishes. Since the children don’t bring drinks or utensils. Once the dishes were done the tables get wiped the chairs go on the table to create more space for nape time. I then colored with some of the children before story time. I picked out books that would go with what they are learning about which are trees. While reading to them they all wanted to get as close as they could to see the book. They were told it was wrong because children in the back wouldn’t be able to see. During nap time I came up with more questions for interviewing the teachers. I also finished up my request letter to take pictures of the children for when I present my project at the exhibit. All it needs now is to be proof read. I left at 3:00 again. I now have a better understanding of what the teachers do during and after lunch time.

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