Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 5



I arrived at 8:00. This morning the children were reading, playing puzzles, drawing, and playing ants in the dogs pants. At show and tell today the children brought in cars, blankets, and books. It was a boys 4th birthday. He brought in a cake that looked like the ocean with all different sea creatures on it. We had a group snack instead of individual. After snack I washed the dishes and we then had circle time. At circle we sang more about dinosaurs. Since it was a cloudy day we didn’t spend that much time playing outside as we usually do. I have noticed that a lot of children cry when they don’t get there own way and when another child hit them on purpose or accident. But after letting them cry for about 5 minutes if it isn’t a big deal they are fine. It’s like nothing ever happened. I have come to the conclusion that they only do this so they get attention and what they want. In the end it doesn’t work out for them. At the end of the day I washed the dishes from lunch and made copies of my photo request for the parents. I left ABC’s at 1:00.

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