Sunday, May 16, 2010

Week 1 Reflection

Weekly Reflection

Week 1

By the end of the week I learned so much. I have observed the teachers and the children. I know the schedule very well. I also know a little about how children act and think. They want to do what they want to do and when they don’t get their own way they cry about it to get attention or what they want. In the end they never get what they want or the attention. I have also noticed how boys and girls interact with one another. They’re more likely to play with each other inside then outside. When they are outside the boys like to play games that always have a winner while the girls are playing house. It’s a great way to see how the brains are different from each other.

The teachers are very encouraging when it comes do dealing with preschoolers. They are always wanting to let the children know that they are good at something or did something right. They are also good with discipline by talking to the children just like you would talk to an older child.

I have really enjoy my senior project so far. I have never spent time with children before. I find it interesting how children act at this age and what their needs are. I was asked to do certain activities so I could have an understanding of what happens at ABC’s. I played with children, washed dishes, and read stories because those are some of the activities the teachers do. I was expected to see the children playing all the time. I was surprised to see the Pre-K children actually learning by using work sheets. I was also surprised with how the teachers discipline the children. They are calm and tell the children that they did was wrong. My one week of activities will benefit me because now I just need to focus on my interview questions and my art project. The activities helped me to develop the interview questions. They have also shown me what art projects are not too challenging for a preschoolers. I’m excited for week two to start.

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