Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 7



I arrived at 11:30 again. My goal today was to interview one of the teachers and make all the stamps for my project. I did get to interview a teacher which was very helpful. I now understand more about why they do certain activities at preschool. I also got to make a couple stamps for my art project until I cut myself. I was trying to cut a potato in half but the knife slipped and cut my finger right on the cuticle. It wouldn’t stop bleeding so the teacher told me to go see my sponsor since she has nursing experience. She bandaged my cut by wrapping it tightly and told me to hold it up above my shoulder for awhile. After the bleeding went down somewhat another teacher helped me change it into a normal band-aid. The children kept on asking me what I did over and over again. Before we went outside my sponsor got a nurse to check out my cut. She said it was going to be fine I just had to keep it clean. My sponsor also had to report that I cut myself. My finger just hurt for the rest of the day. But once I started playing outside I forgot about it because I was having so much fun. I left ABC’s at 5:30.

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