Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 4



My day started at 8:00. Instead of playing with puzzles this morning we played a game called ants in the dogs pants. The goal of the game is to flick plastic ants and get then into the plastic dogs pants. Who every gets rid of their ants first wins. But at this age I have noticed rules don’t matter. All they wanted was the color of the ants and trying to get them into the pants was a big enough challenge. At the end of morning meeting we had show and tell. Half of the children go Thursday and the other half go Friday. Children brought in dolls, books, robots, and blankets. When we went outside I really got to observe how the children play. The boys and the girls don’t really play together. The boys are always wanting to play games where there is always a winner. Unlike the girls who like to play house. But they do play with each other in the sand box or playing games where they are getting chanced. During their nap time I got my photo request proof read by my sponsor. I then changed the errors and typed up my interview questions. I also got a chance to look at a preschool art project book. It was full of different ideas. But I’m still going try and see if my potato stamp project will work. I left ABC’s at 3:00 once again.

1 comment:

  1. Abbie,
    It sounds like you have had a busy week at the day care. I bet you have a better appreciation of how much energy it takes to keep up with young children. Also, I bet they love having you as part of their day.
